
by Simon Fernandez (@ferdiesfoodlab

-   Basics: Classic Spanish Tapa - Roast Almonds w/ Smoked Salt Flakes
-   How To Throw A Supper 'Lip' Club for Movember
-   Video Recipe: Roasting a Ribeye Joint of Beef to ...
-   Banana Tatin w/ Banana Creme, Passion Fruit & Passion Fruit Sorbet!
-   How to cut a steak for a sandwich so it stays whole but is easy to bite!!
-   Seared Duck Breast with Baked Potato Fraiche & Juniper & Cranberry Cabbage
-   How to cook a steak!
-   Mums Orange & Almond Cous Cous - Tasty cous cous outrageous!

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More Techniques, Basics and Corker Recipes
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