Thursday, 31 December 2020

Recipe: Smoked Mussel Salad W Baked Mash Potato

light fragrant summer salad w smoked mussels dressed w tangerine juice & zest served w half baked mash potato & tomato - light lunch (just bump up the quantities for a great lunch)
smoked mussel salad w baked mash potato
light fragrant summer salad w smoked mussels dressed w tangerine juice & zest served w half baked mash potato & tomato - light lunch (just bump up the quantities for a great lunch)
IngredientsMakes: 350g (1)
250gsmoked mussel salad(recipe below)
100gbaked mash potato & tomato(recipe below)

light fragrant summer salad w smoked mussels dressed w tangerine juice & zest
smoked mussel salad
light fragrant summer salad w smoked mussels dressed w tangerine juice & zest
IngredientsMakes: 467g (1)
85gsmoked mussels inc oil(recipe below)
100gbistro salad
3gtangerine zest
40gtangerine juice
15gspring onion
0.5gsalt flakes

variation on a baked potato, with added tomato - faster too!
baked mash potato & tomato
variation on a baked potato, with added tomato - faster too!
IngredientsMakes: 700g (4)
2 large baking potatoes - makes 4 halves . .
Cut potatoes in half and boil until soft. 10m?
Once boiled leave on counter until they stop steaming & they're cool enough to handle.
Scoop out the soft centre and mash adding the butter and salt and pepper.
Fill the empty potato skins and place on a baking tray.
Dot some tomatoes about including on top of the potatoes.
Bake 180C / 20m

Saturday, 30 May 2020

Recipe: Chicken w/ Cavolo Nero & Red Pepper & Goats Cheese Baked Potato

by Simon Fernandez of ferdiesfoodlab

Quick notes / order
1. Prep the sauce, put it on 
the stove to simmer.

2. Prep the chicken.
Get that on the go next.

3. Cavolo nero next.

4. Pop the potatoes in 
the microwave.
(uW for short)

5. Blend the sauce & assemble!!

ingredients (serves 2 - hungry people)
for the red pepper sauce
1 red pepper (cored & diced)
1 red onion (chopped)
30g goats cheese (rindless)
1 chicken stock cube
10g red wine vinegar
350ml water
Put all the ingredient except the goats cheese in a sauce pan, bring to the boil, then simmer for 45mins.
(Crack on w/ the chicken in the mean time . . )
Once the pepper is soft, blend it with a stick blender until smooth then add the goats cheese, and pulse until fully incorporated.
Leave the sauce on minimum heat to keep warm until needed. (If you’re feeling naughty & luxurious, add a little butter too!)

for the chicken
4 chicken thighs (skinless & boneless)
zest 1/2 lemon
1tbsp veg oil
Pat the thighs dry and remove any excess fat.
Put them in a tupperware box, and add the oil, mix to coat the thighs
Season them and them place them in a hot frying pan - they should sizzle.
Turn the heat down and leave them to brown. (get on w/ veg - steam the Cavolo nero)
Once browned turn them over and top w/ the lemon zest. (get on w/ the potatoes)
Once the other side is done keep warm on a saucer. (or in the finished sauce)
Use the pan to finish the cavolo nero.
(Tip if you’re cooking with the skin on cook almost entirely skin side down - for ultra crispiness - then finish off the other side for a minute or two.)

for the cavolo nero
10g butter
2 spring onions (chopped)
100g cavolo nero (black kale, 1cm slices)
1/2 lemon (juiced)
Steam the kale for for 10mins.
Put the butter into the pan you used for the chicken and melt w/ the spring onion.
Add the drained steamed kale, season, squeaze the juice in from the half lemon and toss.

for the baked potatoes
2 baking potatoes (forked & nuked)
Prick all over w/ a fork and microwave for 8-12mins (depending on your microwave.)
Cut open and dress.

for the garnish
70g cooked prawns
lemon zest
black pepper

apparatus / equipment
stick blender

to serve
Cut the potato open, top with cavolo nero & chicken then pour over a generous helping of sauce.
Top w/ some cooked prawns, lemon zest and freshly ground black pepper.

How To Book / Attend

How To Book / Attend
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More Techniques, Basics and Corker Recipes

More Techniques, Basics and Corker Recipes
If there's something you've tried at ferdiesfoodlab or a technique you want to know about drop us a line at and I'll put up a post about it!!