Monday, 27 May 2024

recipe: goats cheese pecans & apple salad

apples & chunky goats cheese dressed w/ honey pecan & thyme
goats cheese pecans & apple salad
apples & chunky goats cheese dressed w/ honey pecan & thyme
IngredientsMakes: 440g - Serves: 2
47g salted honey pecans (recipe below)
100g cherry tomatoes
120g apple
7g lemon juice
30g lettuce
90g goats cheese
30g snapdragon dressing (recipe below)
5g thyme
1g salt flakes

Make the salted honey pecans first to give them time to cool and harden.
Slice the tomatoes in halves - these where gorgeous sweet yellow ones from the garden.
Slice the apple in wedges & squeeze fresh lemon juice on to stop them oxidising.
Slice the goats cheese, mix everything together and dress w/ thyme.

salted honey pecans
honey caramelised toasted pecans w/ a hint of salt
IngredientsMakes: 47g
30g pecans
15g honey
15g sugar

Add the sugar to a non stick pan on a high heat. Distributed evenly across the surface.
Add soon as all the sugar has melted and started bubbling add the honey.
Mix w/ a wooden spoon. (Or use the pan and no spoon takes practice!)
Once evenly mixed add the pecans & toss to coat, turn the heat to low and toast the pecans being careful not to burn the sugar.
Turn out onto a grease proof mat (silpat) or grease proof paper

snapdragon dressing
balsamic vinegar, honey & olive oil w/ toasted sesame seeds
IngredientsMakes: 95g
30g balsamic vinegar
30g honey
30g olive oil
5g toasted sesame seeds

Toast the sesame seeds in a dry pan then mix all the ingredients.
If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local for great locally produced veg using organic practices well worth signing up for!

How To Book / Attend

How To Book / Attend
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More Techniques, Basics and Corker Recipes

More Techniques, Basics and Corker Recipes
If there's something you've tried at ferdiesfoodlab or a technique you want to know about drop us a line at and I'll put up a post about it!!