Sunday 21 July 2024

recipe: teriyaki aubergine w/ honey deglaze

super light & cream golden aubergine chunks coated in teriyaki & drizzled w/ teriyaki glaze, crispy onions & sesame seeds
teriyaki aubergine w glaze
super light & creamy golden aubergine chunks coated in teriyaki & drizzled w/ teriyaki glaze, crispy onions & sesame seeds
IngredientsMakes: 180g (1)
8gteriyaki sauce
8gktc crispy onion
0.5gsesame seeds
5gsoy sauce
Dice aubergine into 1 inch cubes, steam for 15m.
Remove from steamer and allow to cool on a plate, until they've stopped releasing steam.
Steaming the aubergine first gives it a super light & creamy texture and makes sure it's cooked all the way through - these are big chunks after all!
Oil glaze a pan & add the aubergine when it's hot - almost smoking!
Season w/ a little salt & turn when bottoms are golden.
Drizzle with teriyaki sauce and toss to coat the aubergine.
Turn out into warm bowl, drizzle w/ the reduction / teriyaki glaze.
To make the reduction deglaze the pan w/ a shot of water & add a tsp of runny honey & a glug of soy sauce.
Stir w/ a spatula until it has a syrupy consistency & pour over the aubergine.
Then sprinkle w/ sesame seeds & crispy onion.
Thanks to Growing Local for the aubergine for tis recipe!

Monday 15 July 2024

recipe: romano / pointy peppers filled w aubergine, pumpkin seed, tomato & basil

charred pointy peppers filled w/ muchroom aubergine & tomato w/ mint basil parmesan & toasted pumpkin seeds
filled pointy peppers aubergine & tomato
charred pointy peppers filled w/ muchroom aubergine & tomato w/ mint basil parmesan & toasted pumpkin seeds
IngredientsMakes: 429g (3)

176gpointed peppers
10golive oil
10golive oil
60gchestnut mushrooms
10golive oil
15gpumpkin seeds
3golive oil
140gripe tomato
20glemon juice

Slice the peppers in half lengthways & remove the pips.
Place centre side down on a hot oil glazed skillet, turn the heat to min and place a lid on top.
Cook until soft a a little charred ~20-25mins, then turn and turn the heat off. Ready for filling.
Small dice the aubergine & mushrooms and cook on a medium low heat until soft and cooked thorugh.
Toast the pumpkin seeds in a little olive oil w/ a generous pinch of salt.
Chop the herbs & add them & the roule to the aubergine & mushrooms.
Chop a nice ripe tomato up the same size as the aubergine & mushrooms, and add it in to the mix.
Mix it in while the heat is on minimum, we don't want it to cook just warm it up a little so it provides fresh & light acidity to the filling.
Cover the peppers w/ the filling, give them a drizzle of lemon juice & top w/ parmesam & toasted pumpkin seeds.
They're quite nice w/ a sqeaze of sriracha or tabasco too.

Monday 1 July 2024

recipe: apple & basil humous

smooth blended chic peas flavoured w/ apple & spices
apple & basil humous
smooth blended chic peas flavoured w/ apple & spices
IngredientsMakes: 391g
240gchic peas
20golive oil
100gapple & basil pesto(recipe below)
15glemon juice
10gwhite wine vinegar
Microwave the chic peas 800W / 2m, this will soften them and make a smoother humous.
Blend the chic peas and the oil until you have the desired texture.
Add the rest of the ingredients & blend until homogenous.

vibrant basil mint & apple pesto w/ confit garlic & toasted nuts
apple & basil pesto
vibrant basil mint & apple pesto w/ confit garlic & toasted nuts
IngredientsMakes: 346g
60glime juice
60golive oil
40gmixed chopped nuts
25gsweet pickled onions(recipe below)
20gsweet pickle liquor
30gboiled garlic
20golive oil
Place 10g oil the oil into a pan and add the nuts, cook on a medium heat until toasted & golden in colour.
Leave them to cool whilst collecting the rest of the ingredients together, placing everything into a blitzing jug.
Add the cooled oil and nuts, and blitz until smooth - ish! The nuts will always give you some texture!

red onions pickled in sugar & white wine vinegar - great for salads & kebabs or where you need a little lift of acidity
sweet pickled onions
red onions pickled in sugar & white wine vinegar - great for salads & kebabs or where you need a little lift of acidity
IngredientsMakes: 180g (1)
150g(2)red onions
15gwhite wine vinegar
Actual quantities of sugar & vinegar . .
150g sugar
150g white wine vinegar
Make the pickling liquor and add the thinly sliced red onion.
Leave for at least an hour.
Keeps for months, put it next to the kimchi.

Friday 28 June 2024

recipe: shredded cucumber & cashew salad

refreshing shredded cucumber salad topped w/ crispy onions, cashew nuts, coriander & chilli
shredded cucumber & cashew salad
refreshing shredded cucumber salad topped w/ crispy onions, cashew nuts, coriander & chilli
IngredientsMakes: 327g (2)
250gshredded cucumber(recipe below)
30ghoney soy dressing(recipe below)
4gchocolate mint
10gmini pickled onions
20gsalted cashew nuts
10gktc crispy onion
Shred the cucumber with a julienne peeler, stopping when you get to the seeds.
Leave it to sit on a clean tea towel to draw out the excess liquid while finishing the rest.
Make the dressing.
Chop the mint & pickled onions & mix w/ the cucumber & dressing.
Top w/ crispy onions, cashew nuts, coriander & chilli.

cucumber spaghetti
shredded cucumber
cucumber spaghetti
IngredientsMakes: 250g
Lay a cucumber on it's side and draw julienne peeler along the length.
Keep going until you hit the seed core, the turn 90 degrees and repeat.
About a third of the weight of a cucumber is core & doesn't shred well.
So multiply desired final weight by 1.5 to get the amount of cucumber you need!
Use for things like [shredded cucumber & cashew salad]
Leave it to sit on a clean tea towel to draw out the excess liquid for about 20mins before use.

honey, soy sauce, garlic & lime juice - simple vietnamese style dressing
honey soy dressing
honey, soy sauce, garlic & lime juice - simple vietnamese style dressing
IngredientsMakes: 94g
20gsoy sauce
46glime juice
Peel & finely chop the garlic.
Warm the honey in the microwave, then mix all the ingredients.
Leave to infuse for 30mins.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

recipe: roast veg courgette tart

courgette & veg tart - pastryless quiche!
roast veg courgette tart
courgette & veg tart - pastry-less quiche!
IngredientsMakes: 840g (6)
195gcourgette tart case(recipe below)
330gmixed roast veg hm grown(recipe below)
175gbaked mash potato & tomato(recipe below)
40gbaby plum tomatoes
40gmature cheddar
This is a great way you use up leftover veg from roast dinners!
I started with 2 courgettes and used about one and a half to make the case.
I lobbed the rest into a salad . . .
Removing the outer skin w/ a julienne peeler before you start gives you a batch of courgette spaghetti to use later!
Line a 10inch diameter loose bottom fluted bake tray w/ your courgette strips.
Whisk the eggs & milk and add the warm roast veg, then pour the mix into the case.
I sliced on half a baked mash potato [baked mash potato & tomato] because it was there - optional.
Top with sliced tomatoes & grated cheddar.
Bake @ 200C / 15m then turn the oven down and bake @ 150C / 25m.
Slice into 6 pieces, more if you like!

pastry free pie case made from courgette ribbons & flour
courgette tart case
pastry free pie case made from courgette ribbons & flour
IngredientsMakes: 195g (1)
25ggram flour
The larger the courgette the better!
Melt the butter & brush the bottom and sides of a fluted loose bottom pie tray.
Dust another tray w/ flour.
Run a peeler along the courgette to create wide ribbons of courgette.
Coat each ribbon in flour & place it into the pie tray to form the bottom layer.
Keep going until you have covered the pie try, and cave enough left to cover the top.
Fill as desired. Then top & brush w/ melted butter.

mixed roast home grown courgette, potatoes, tomatoes, garlic w/ rosemary & thyme
mixed roast veg hm grown
mixed roast home grown courgette, potatoes, tomatoes, garlic w/ rosemary & thyme
IngredientsMakes: 506g (4)
280gglobe courgette
270gblack cherry tomatoes
30golive oil
1gblack pepper
Boil the potatoes, then peel where necessary & chunky cut rest of veg.
Add the herbs, drizzle in oil and toss to coat well.
160C / 45m bottom - 2inch from bottom of oven - shelf.

variation on a baked potato, with added tomato - faster too!
baked mash potato & tomato
variation on a baked potato, with added tomato - faster too!
IngredientsMakes: 700g (4)
2 large baking potatoes - makes 4 halves . .
Cut potatoes in half and boil until soft. 10m?
Once boiled leave on counter until they stop steaming & they're cool enough to handle.
Scoop out the soft centre and mash adding the butter and salt and pepper.
Fill the empty potato skins and place on a baking tray.
Dot some tomatoes about including on top of the potatoes.
Bake 180C / 20m - grill to finish if necessary.

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