Friday, 29 November 2024

recipe: cavolo nero & couscous broth

cavolo nero & chicken stock livened up w/ a bit of fruit & nut couscous - super low calorie
cavolo nero & couscous broth
cavolo nero & chicken stock livened up w/ a bit of fruit & nut couscous - super low calorie
IngredientsMakes: 630g (1)
600gboiling water
5gfish sauce
10g(1)chicken stock cube
80gcavolo nero
120glight fruit & nut couscous(recipe below)
5gsoy sauce
5glime juice
I used leftovers from [light fruit & nut couscous] or [cauliflower califoria & greens].
If making from scratch make the couscous first.
Remove the centre stalks from the cavolo nero leaves & cut into quarters across the leaf.
Wash the leaves to remove any mud or critters.
Add them, the stock cube & fish sauce to the water and bring to the boil. Simmer with the lid off for 8mins.
Pour the broth out into a warm bowl & add the couscous.
Season w/ soy sauce & lime juice then top w/ coriander. Job done!
Good for 'fasting' days. If I need to bump up the protein, I'll crack an egg on top & microwave it for 2mins.

dried fruit & nut couscous, leaning more towards fruit & nut
light fruit & nut couscous
dried fruit & nut couscous, leaning more towards fruit & nut
IngredientsMakes: 350g (2)
225gcooked couscous(recipe below)
15gflaked almonds
10gred onion
20gmange tout
20gspring onions
15gdried apricots
20gdried cranberries
10gyellow pepper
Put the couscous on first and prep the rest while it hydrates.
Melt some butter in a pan and put the almonds on to toast on a low heat so they don't burn while you wilt the spinach in another pan.
Leave them to cool once tehy're ready.
Brunoise the red onion, fine slice the mange tout & spring onions.
Chop the apricots, cranberries & red pepper.
Use a fork to break up the couscous until no lumps remain then chop the spinach & mix it in.
Add all the ingredients into a warm serving bowl & stri to combine into a warm couscous salad.

plain couscous
cooked couscous
plain couscous
IngredientsMakes: 280g
180gboiling water
Couscous is pre-cooked so all you really have to do it rehyrate it properly.
Good rule of thumb is 1.8 times as much boiling water as couscous by weight.
7g per kilo of couscous and water of salt.
Pour the couscous into a pan, and sprinkle with salt then pour the boiling water evenly over the couscous making sure it's completely covered.
Put the lid on the pan to seal the moisture in, leave for at least 20mins on the counter top.
When removing the lid there should be no sign of water.
Drag a fork across the top of the couscous repeatedly to release it into a light grain.
Keep going until there are no lumps. Use as required.

If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local on facebook/meta they currently have all sorts in stock grown right here in Hereford using organic practices!
Sign up for veg box here.

Friday, 22 November 2024

recipe: cauliflower california w greens

couscous made from cauliflower flavoured w/ mixed fruit, green beans & mint dressed w/ pear & vanilla & topped w/ toasted almonds, coriander & sliced chillies
cauliflower california w greens
couscous made from cauliflower flavoured w/ mixed fruit, green beans & mint dressed w/ pear & vanilla & topped w/ toasted almonds, coriander & sliced chillies
IngredientsMakes: 541g (3)
25gfine green beans
25gmange tout
64g(12)black grapes
40g(2)large medjool dates
28g(2)dried apricots
2gred chillies
14gtoasted flaked almonds(recipe below)
75gpear & vanilla dressing(recipe below)
. . . and some coriander & sliced chillies to serve on the side.
Top & taill the fine green beans then boil for 7mins, same for the mange tout if they need it, boil them for 2mins.
Stone and small dice the dried fruit.
Large dice the cauliflower, then pulse blend in a food processor until it resembles couscous.
Slice the black grapes in halves & the tangerine pieces into thirds.
Mix together at the last minute season & top w/ almonds.
Serve sliced chillies & coriander on a side dish & put the dressing in a separate jug.
A couple of notes:
Salt - add at the absolute last minute, it draws water out of the cauliflower making everying soggy if left for very long.
Pepper & red chillies - bump them up if serving with robust BBQ food.

flaked almonds lightly toasted w/ butter & salt
toasted flaked almonds
flaked almonds lightly toasted w/ butter & salt
IngredientsMakes: 43g
40gflaked almonds
Turn pan up high, rub a stick of butter until it completely coats the surface w/ a thin layer of butter.
Wait until the bubbling subsides, IE water from the butter has evaporated.
(use veg oil if you're vegan obviously)
Add the almonds, enough to cover the bottom of the pan but not more than a couple of flakes thick.
Toss the almonds every 15 seconds to coat them in butter, and keep them moving for 2 mins.
Then turn the heat off. Let the heat from the pan finish them off, toss them to get an even distribution of heat.
Turn out onto some kitchen towel to remove the excess butter.

dressing w/ pear poached in orange, mango & vanilla
pear & vanilla dressing
dressing w/ pear poached in orange, mango & vanilla
IngredientsMakes: 280g
150gtropicana orange & mango juice
5gvanilla extract
10gwhite wine vinegar
20gextra virgin olive oil
Core & remove the stalk from half a pear. Cut it lengthways then in half into quarter lengths.
Put all the ingredients except the EVO in a small saucepan bring to the boil then simmer for 15mins.
Place into a serving jug w/ a mixing / serving spoon.

If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local on facebook/meta they currently have all sorts in stock grown right here in Hereford using organic practices!
Sign up for veg box here.

Friday, 15 November 2024

recipe: romanesco cauliflower w/ bruschetta top

warm romanesco cauliflower topped w/ tomato, spring onion, mint, lime & olive oil.
romanesco cauliflower w/ bruschetta top
warm romanesco cauliflower topped w/ tomato, fennel, spring onion, mint, lime & olive oil.
IngredientsMakes: 650g (2)
375g romanesco cauliflower
120g ripe tomatoes
60g yellow pepper
30g spring onion
20g fennel stalk
6g mint
20g lime
12g olive oil
1g salt
If you're calorie counting and want something tasty to bulk out dinner this is a great pick!
Remove outer leaves, break apart & steam the romanesco cauliflower for 7mins - it will still have a slight crunch to it!
Fine dice the tomatoes, yellow pepper & thinly slice the spring onion & fennel stalks then mix them w/ the picked mint, oil & lime juice to make the bruschetta style topping.
Warm up the mix in a microwave for 30seconds before dressing the cauliflower to it make a uniformly warm salad.
Plate up the romanesco cauliflower in a warm bowl & dress w/ the bruschetta mix.

If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local on facebook/meta they currently have all sorts in stock grown right here in Hereford using organic practices!
Sign up for veg box here.

Friday, 8 November 2024

recipe: squash chorizo & jalapeno scotch eggs

squash chorizo or mushroom & paprika jalapeno scotch eggs
squash chorizo & jalapeno scotch eggs
squash chorizo or mushroom & paprika jalapeno scotch eggs
IngredientsMakes: 1140g (6)
600gsquash chorizo & jalapeno coating(recipe below)
300g(6)medium soft boiled eggs(recipe below)
200gegg wash(recipe below)
30gbread crumbs
30grapeseed oil
I made these to use up some leftover squash & red pepper mash and a harvest of blue oyster mushrooms.
You can buy oyster mushrooms at the supermarket or use other mushrooms.
Boil the eggs, make the scotch egg coating then wrap and paner the eggs.
For wrapping use some cling film folded in two for extra strength - 25x25cm - place an oval of mix on top, place the egg in the middle and pull the cling film up and around to coat the egg. Squeeze it so it's even all round then roll it in flour, eggwash & bread crumbs.
Fry 180C / 2m. Place onto kitchen towel to drain. Serve imediately or place in fridge until needed.
To reheat place in 180C oven for 10m. This will preserve the soft yolk.

scotch egg coating from leftover mash & mushrooms . . & cheddar & mozarella
squash chorizo & jalapeno coating
scotch egg coating from leftover mash & mushrooms . . & cheddar & mozarella
IngredientsMakes: 600g
60gbasmati rice
110gboiling water
220goyster mushrooms
145gsquash & red pepper mash(recipe here)
25gmature cheddar
30gpickled jalapeno
Simmer the rice water & salt in a saucepan w/ the lid on until all the water has evaporated & the rice is cooked.
Small dice - less than 5mm - the chorizo & the mushrooms & fry off all together in a small pan until the chorizo has released it's oil and the mushrooms are cooked and have absorbed it and all the glorious flavour!
Brunoise the pickled jalapeno and add it, the mushroom / chorizo, grated cheddar & sliced mozarella to microwave friendly dish & uW @ 800W / 1min. IE click the start button twice so the cheese melts.
Add this to the rice in the saucepan and stir with a wooden spoon until the it's all well mixed and the mozarella is nice and stringy like a pizza!
Once it's mixed like this it will bind well around the egg. Leave it to cool to room temperature.
100g of mix is enough to coat 1 scotch egg.
For a veggie version you can drop the chorizo, double the mushrooms and add a knob of butter, salt and half a tsp of smoked paprika.
medium sized soft boiled eggs
medium soft boiled eggs
medium sized soft boiled eggs
IngredientsMakes: 600g (12)
600g(12)medium eggs
For 4 eggs 1L boiling water, 5m30, then run under cold tap to stop them cooking.
For 6 eggs 1.5L boiling water, 5m30, then run under cold tap to stop them cooking.
For a DOZEN eggs . .
Place a 5L pot w/ 3L of water on to boil. Put lid on bring to a rolling boil.
Place the room temp eggs in a jug of hot water from the tap while your it boils - to warm the shells up.
This stops them cracking during boiling and making a mess & weird shaped boiled eggs.
Once the water is boiling place all 12 eggs into the boiling water and start timer once all are in.
Drop basket good for larger quantities.
Remove after 5m30, and place in cold running water until the eggs are cool to the touch.
To shell:
With the eggs covered w/ water bash them about in a hard sided container.
Pour some oil into an egg cup, remove the shell from the fat end half way up the egg.
Remove the rest of the shell using a dull edged teaspoon dipped in oil.
It can be removed in almost a single action making the peeling process quick.

If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local they currently have Red Kuri & Blue Ballet in stock grown right here in Hereford using organic practices!

Friday, 1 November 2024

recipe: squash bacon & brie courgette tart w green beans

light lunch - pastryless quiche w/ roasted squash caramelised onions & garlic & bacon topped w/ brie served w/ fine green beans
squash bacon & brie courgette tart w green beans
light lunch - pastryless quiche w/ roasted squash caramelised onions & garlic & bacon topped w/ brie served w/ fine green beans
IngredientsMakes: 688g (2)
328gsquash bacon & brie courgette tart(recipe below)
360ggreen beans & bacon courgette(recipe below)

pastryless quiche w/ roasted red kuri squash caramelised onions garlic & bacon topped w/ brie
squash bacon & brie courgette tart
pastryless quiche w/ roasted red kuri squash caramelised onions garlic & bacon topped w/ brie
IngredientsMakes: 984g (6)
350groast garlic & onions(recipe below)
240groast red kuri squash(recipe below)
140gjust cooked extra thick cut smoked back bacon(recipe below)
250g(5)medium eggs
50gdouble cream
195gcourgette tart case(recipe below)
1gblack pepper
First things first bake a squash w/ garlic, herbs & onions a la roast red kuri squash w garlic & onions use all the garlic & onions for the base & freeze the squash you don't need. 10mins prep, 2h roast.
While that's in the oven cook off the bacon & whisk the eggs & cream / milk mix and slice the brie.
Make the courgette tart case.
Once the baked squash garlic & onions is ready and has cooled enough to handle remove the skins from the garlic & and any dry bits of onion & line the botom of the tart w/ them. Top that w/ roast squash chunks, and chunky bacon bits.
Fill w/ egg & cream / milk mix and top w/ slices of brie.
Season & bake @ 200C / 10mins then turn down oven bake 150C / 10mins.
For the roast squash chunks you may want to remove the skin it depends how long the squash has cured for.
This one hadn't really been cured at all so the skin was very much edible - fibre is good for you! Your choice of course!

slow roast red kuri squash w/ onions garlic rosemary & thyme
roast garlic & onions
slow roast red kuri squash w/ onions garlic rosemary & thyme
IngredientsMakes: 350g
280gred onions
25golive oil
2gsalt flakes
Break the garlic into cloves leaving the skin on so the flesh goes nice & silky.
Peel the onions and cut each one into 6 pieces lengthways, pick the herbs & line the tray w/ them.
Bake 150C / 2h cover w/ tin foil for perfect softness!
Good for mash, pie topping, all sorts really.

slow roast red kuri squash w/ rosemary & thyme
roast red kuri squash
slow roast red kuri squash w/ rosemary & thyme
IngredientsMakes: 1254g (8)
1430g(1)red kuri squash
25golive oil
4gsalt flakes
For this recipe I used a 6cm deep baking tray 37x29cm - about as big as my oven will take!
I started with a 1687g red kuri squash. 1430g after deseeding.
Cut the squash in half and scoop out the seeds. Then cut each half into four pieces.
Add the water & herbs to the baking tray & place the squash on top, season & lightly drizzle w/ oil.
Cover w/ tin foil & bake 150C / 2h for perfect softness!
Good for mash, pie topping, all sorts really.
If serving as they are remove the foil 20m before the end to brown them off a bit.

just cooked extra thick cut smoked back bacon
just cooked extra thick cut smoked back bacon
IngredientsMakes: 140g (3)
150gextra thick cut smoked back bacon
Place rashers in a non-stick pan on a medium high heat.
Cook for a minute on each side or less. If they're cooked get them off the heat!
We don't want crispy, we want juicy for our tart!
Stack on a cutting board and leave to cool.
Remove any gristly bit and chunky cut.

pastry free pie case made from courgette ribbons & flour
courgette tart case
pastry free pie case made from courgette ribbons & flour
IngredientsMakes: 195g (1)
25gplain flour
The larger the courgette the better!
Melt the butter & brush the bottom and sides of a fluted loose bottom pie tray.
Dust another tray w/ flour.
Run a peeler along the courgette to create wide ribbons of courgette.
Coat each ribbon in flour & place it into the pie tray to form the bottom layer.
Keep going until you have covered the pie try, and cave enough left to cover the top.
Fill as desired. Then top & brush w/ melted butter.

fine green beans tossed in oilive oil & vinegar & topped w/ bacon flavoured courgette
green beans & bacon courgette
fine green beans tossed in oilive oil & vinegar & topped w/ bacon flavoured courgette
IngredientsMakes: 360g (2)
200gfine green beans
10golive oil
10gcider vinegar
Steam the green beens for 7 mins.
Then toss in olive oil & cider vinegar and place in a warm serving bowl.
The courgette was the core left over from the [squash bacon & brie courgette tart].
Dice the courgette and deglaze the pan from the bacon w/ a knob of butter.
Toss the diced courgette in it until i has picked up all the flavour from the bacon & soaked in the butter.
Top the green beans w/ the bacon flavoured courgett and serve w/ the tart.

If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local they currently have Red Kuri & Blue Ballet in stock grown right here in Hereford using organic practices!

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More Techniques, Basics and Corker Recipes

More Techniques, Basics and Corker Recipes
If there's something you've tried at ferdiesfoodlab or a technique you want to know about drop us a line at and I'll put up a post about it!!