Originally this was and experiment, which explains why the images don't exactly match the pictures. The recipe is 3 experiments later, and seriously lush!! So simple to make, inexpensive and so tasty!
Makes a great Sunday dinner recipe!! Succulent, juicy
Cartouche? Probably better at preventing spitting than any other use, not sure it brings anything to this party! You’re welcome to post a comment on that if you feel strongly about the benefits of a cartouche!!
ingredients (serves 4-6)
for the lamb breast / belly
(roast: 150C/180min)
2 lamb bellies
4 onions
2 leeks
4 cloves garlic
2 lamb stock cubes
2 pints / 1L water.
for the sauce
1 pint skimmed milk
1 tbsp flour
200ml water
8 medium / large potatoes
7g thyme (bruised)
7g rosemary (bruised)
4 cloves garlic (peeled and squashed)
150ml olive oil
for the greens
broad beans
radish pods (optional)
for the garnish
a touch of parsley if you fancy it
apparatus / equipment
pyrex dish & lid
lamb breast / belly
Put all ingredients into a roasting tray.
Coat the skin of the lamb with oil, and sprinkle with salt (draws water out of the skin makes it crispy).
Roast for at least 3 hours.
After 3 hours, remove lamb and cut off the butcher's string.
Slice the lamb belly rolls into 1 cm pieces, and lay out on a tray.
Drain the vegetables, and put the stock to one side in a tall thin container. This makes it easier to skim off the fat.
Spread the remaining onions leak and bits over the sliced lamb and return to the oven at 180C/60m
After an hour the top with have for a caramelised crunchy gorgeous surface.
Skim off as much fat as desired - more fat more flavour - but also A LOT more calories (and it's saturated fat from this cut).
Add 1/2 - 1pint of milk - add enough so that the seasoning is balanced.
Mix 1tbsp of plain flour with water until smooth paste, then gradually add more water until you get to a cream liquid consistency.
Add the flour liquid mix to the jus, stirring vigorously to start, and bring to the boil stirring continuously until the sauce has thickened and the flour is cooked out - about 5-10mins. Season if required.
Add the oil, salt and garlic and mix with a wooden fork until the potatoes have a fluffy coating of mashed potato.
Pour out onto a baking tray and roast 180C/45m - then turn them and return to the oven for another 15m.
Serve the lamb with roast potatoes, and Yorkshire puddings!!! Oh my goood, soooo good!!!
thinking ahead
This is great pre-movie fare. Stick it on while you making lunch for the evening viewing!! It really is as simple as chopping up a few onions and a squirt of anchovy paste, and into the oven with some stock. You can then claim 5 hours of cooking and hand the potatoes over to somebody else!!! : )
what could go wrong? (notes)
Not much, this is a pretty forgiving dish, just make sure it doesn't go dry! That, would be bad! Specially just before the movie!!
A must try lazy Sunday recipe! Don't forget the red wine!
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