Friday, 31 January 2025

recipe: serrano topped cavolo nero pizza pancake w/ kimchi

cavolo nero pizza pancake topped w/ thinly sliced Spanish serrano ham & drizzled w/ chilli oil & kimchi - gluten free
serrano topped cavolo nero pizza pancake w kimchi
cavolo nero pizza pancake topped w/ thinly sliced Spanish serrano ham & drizzled w/ chilli oil & kimchi - gluten free
IngredientsMakes: 472g (4)
412gserrano topped cavolo nero pizza pancake(recipe below)
20gchilli oil
40gkimchi no7(recipe here)
w/o oil 576kcals per pizza / 144kcals per slice
w/ oil 709kcals per pizza / 178kcals per slice

cavolo nero pizza pancake topped w/ thinly sliced Spanish serrano ham - nice drizzled w/ chilli oil - gluten free
serrano topped cavolo nero pizza pancake
cavolo nero pizza pancake topped w/ thinly sliced Spanish serrano ham - nice drizzled w/ chilli oil - gluten free
IngredientsMakes: 412g (4)
360gcavolo nero pizza pancake(recipe below)
52g(4)slices jamon serrano
540kcals per pizza / 135kcals per slice

cavolo nero pizza pancake - gluten free
cavolo nero pizza pancake
cavolo nero pizza pancake - gluten free
IngredientsMakes: 360g (4)
120gcavolo nero
30gspring onions
20gcorn flour
Remove the middle rib from each cavolo nero & steam them about 8mins.
Make a light batter with the rest of the ingredients.
Pour batter onto a medium hot non stick pan it is about 5mm thick and let it cook.
Once bubbles / little holes have started to form season & top with the warm cavolo nero.
Place a lid on top and leave until the base is fully cooked about 2-3mins.
If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local on facebook/meta they currently have all sorts in stock grown right here in Hereford using organic practices!
Sign up for veg box here.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

recipe: longer lasting coriander

how to give your bunch of coriander a longer lease of life! or your basil or mint too!
longer lasting coriander
longer lasting coriander
how to give your bunch of coriander a longer lease of life! or your basil or mint too!
IngredientsMakes: 100g
If you leave a bunch of coriander in the bag in the fridge, it goes flaccid pretty quickly, then its goes yellow with liquified black bits & even through there's still loads of good coriander left, it's a pain to separate & really only good for the bin / compost heap.
To get the longest life out of a bunch of coriander leave the band on the bottom roll it up a bit if you need.
Then using a sharp knife in one smooth movement slice the dry tips off the bottom of the all the stalks at once & place the bunch in a tall glass of water with the water covering the stems but not reaching the leaves.
This will allow the capillary action to draw water into the stem as the leaves transpire keeping them fresh and firm! Keep the glass in the fridge & it will last 5 times as long like this.

Remove some coriander when you need it from the bunch by taking some stalks above the band at the bottom & drawing out a sub-bunch. Use as required.

This works well for mint, oregano, celery leaf, soft thyme,  chives, spring onions & basil too, although if you fridge is really cold near zero, basil's best on the window sill.

If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local on facebook/meta they currently have all sorts in stock grown right here in Hereford using organic practices!
Sign up for veg box here.

Friday, 24 January 2025

recipe: haggis w/ apple chilli houmous (hummus) & poached egg

golden haggis patties w/ apple chilli humous topped wl a poached egg & dressed w/ apple & mango vinaigrette & black sesame seeds
A Burns Night celebrations recipe something a little different from the usual haggis, neeps & tatties!! The Apple Chilli Humous is what this recipe is all about; spices, coriander, honey & Bramley apples . . . just packed w/ flavour.

haggis w apple chilli humous & poached egg
golden haggis patties w/ apple chilli humous topped wl a poached egg & dressed w/ apple & mango vinaigrette & black sesame seeds
IngredientsMakes: 590g (2)
160g(2)haggis patties(recipe below)
200gchickpea & apple chilli humous(recipe below)
110gpoached eggs
60gapple & mango vinaigrette(recipe below)
1gblack sesame seeds
Put the haggis on first . . the rest can be made from scratch in about an hour.
Next make the apple sauce & chickpea humous.
Then put the haggis patties on while making the vinaigrette.
Boil the peas for 2 mins then poach the eggs, leave them in a warm bowl over the hot water while plating up.
Using a round soup spoon place 100g of humous onto the centre of the plate, dip the spoon curved side down into the middle and spread it around to create a space in the centre.

golden butter toasted haggis patties
haggis patties
golden butter toasted haggis patties
IngredientsMakes: 160g (2)
180gmacaulays haggis cooked
Cut two burger sized slices from a pre-cooked haggis - or form them from the cooked haggis mix.
Butter a non-stick frying pan and place them onto the sizzling butter, leave them on medium heat for 4-5mins each side until golden.
Don't forget to season them whilst they cook.

smooth blended chickpeas flavoured w/ apple & spices
chickpea & apple chilli humous
smooth blended chickpeas flavoured w/ apple & spices
IngredientsMakes: 382g
20glemon juice
1glemon zest
100gapple chilli sauce(recipe below)
20golive oil
Drain the chickpeas reservig the liquid for any aquafaba recipes you might have.
Put them into a food processor & blend until fine grained.
Zest the lemon - before you cut it in half - then juice one half.
Add the zest, juice, salt & apple chilli sauce to the chickpeas.
Run the motor & add the olive oil - run until it's as smooth as you like it.
Takes a while to get it ultra smooth.
Don't use extra virgin olive oil for this it's comes out very bitter.
Use a light olive oil or vegetable oil like rapeseed oil.

apple chilli sauce w/ mixed spices
apple chilli sauce
apple chilli sauce w/ mixed spices
IngredientsMakes: 2800g
40glemon juice
1glemon zest
14gcumin seeds
14gfennel seeds
14gcoriander seeds
8gblack pepper
280gbaby spinach
90ggreen chillies
565grapeseed oil
1975gbramley apples
Zest the lemon first, then juice it.
Toast the seeds in a dry non stick pan until aromatic & mill them w/ the black pepper.
Roughly chop the coriander & spinach & chillies.
Then add the garlic, green chillies, baby spinach, coriander in that order blending each until smooth / fine particles.
Then add the rest of the ingredients except for the lemon and the bramley apples.
Leave chopping the apple until last minute to stop them oxidising & going brown.
Core & dice the apples - leave the skin on - since it adds nice texture.
Finally add the apples & blend until homogenous - it doesnt have to be ultra smooth!
Bag in 600g batches and keep whats left in a tub for use.

apple & mango vinaigrette
apple & mango vinaigrette
IngredientsMakes: 61g
1glemon zest
20gapple & mango juice
20glemon juice
Zest half a lemon into the bottom of the juicer.
Juice half the lemon & add the apple & mango & olive oil
Mix well.

If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local on facebook/meta they currently have all sorts in stock grown right here in Hereford using organic practices!
Sign up for veg box here.

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

16 super healthy recipes to start the . . . . Happy New Year! : )

As the new year starts most of us are aiming at rebalancing the scales after the festive season, so I've put together a list of the healthiest recipes from the last 6 months - frankly I'm always trying to rebalance the scales so there's a few good ones. 

This chicken broth w/ prawns recipe is 660g (big) bowl of broth and comes in at 165kcal and it TASTES GREAT! Poach an egg in the broth as it heats for some extra super healthy protein and it still comes in under 250kcals, it's one of my favourites.

hd chicken broth w prawns

663g @ 25kcal/100g =


minted marrow & potato w pea puree

373g @ 133kcal/100g =


goats cheese pecans & apple salad

220g @ 192kcal/100g =


courgette & veg tart

140g @ 188kcal/100g =


roast lamb & broad bean broth

680g @ 88kcal/100g =


cauliflower california w greens

180g @ 97kcal/100g =


courgette steaks w mandarin tomatoes

274g @ 111kcal/100g =


courgette & jalapeno bake

255g @ 166kcal/100g =


warm courgette & melon salad

300g @ 44kcal/100g =


romanesco cauliflower w bruschetta top

325g @ 40kcal/100g =


cavolo nero & couscous broth

630g @ 44kcal/100g =


honey & sage pumpkin

123g @ 147kcal/100g =


shredded cucumber & cashew salad

163g @ 76kcal/100g =


filled pointy peppers aubergine & tomato

143g @ 136kcal/100g =


courgette spaghetti & parmesan

530g @ 78kcal/100g =


caprese w basil & tangerine dressing

200g @ 105kcal/100g =


If you are in Hereford (UK) check out Growing Local on facebook/meta they currently have all sorts in stock grown right here in Hereford using organic practices!
Sign up for veg box here.

How To Book / Attend

How To Book / Attend
Fancy getting stuck in? Click on the image above and to see how : ) . . . hope to see you soon.

More Techniques, Basics and Corker Recipes

More Techniques, Basics and Corker Recipes
If there's something you've tried at ferdiesfoodlab or a technique you want to know about drop us a line at and I'll put up a post about it!!