Wednesday, 29 January 2025

recipe: longer lasting coriander

how to give your bunch of coriander a longer lease of life! or your basil or mint too!
longer lasting coriander
longer lasting coriander
how to give your bunch of coriander a longer lease of life! or your basil or mint too!
IngredientsMakes: 100g
If you leave a bunch of coriander in the bag in the fridge, it goes flaccid pretty quickly, then its goes yellow with liquified black bits & even through there's still loads of good coriander left, it's a pain to separate & really only good for the bin / compost heap.
To get the longest life out of a bunch of coriander leave the band on the bottom roll it up a bit if you need.
Then using a sharp knife in one smooth movement slice the dry tips off the bottom of the all the stalks at once & place the bunch in a tall glass of water with the water covering the stems but not reaching the leaves.
This will allow the capillary action to draw water into the stem as the leaves transpire keeping them fresh and firm! Keep the glass in the fridge & it will last 5 times as long like this.

Remove some coriander when you need it from the bunch by taking some stalks above the band at the bottom & drawing out a sub-bunch. Use as required.

This works well for mint, oregano, celery leaf, soft thyme,  chives, spring onions & basil too, although if you fridge is really cold near zero, basil's best on the window sill.

If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local on facebook/meta they currently have all sorts in stock grown right here in Hereford using organic practices!
Sign up for veg box here.

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