Thursday, 31 December 2020

Recipe: Smoked Mussel Salad W Baked Mash Potato

light fragrant summer salad w smoked mussels dressed w tangerine juice & zest served w half baked mash potato & tomato - light lunch (just bump up the quantities for a great lunch)
smoked mussel salad w baked mash potato
light fragrant summer salad w smoked mussels dressed w tangerine juice & zest served w half baked mash potato & tomato - light lunch (just bump up the quantities for a great lunch)
IngredientsMakes: 350g (1)
250gsmoked mussel salad(recipe below)
100gbaked mash potato & tomato(recipe below)

light fragrant summer salad w smoked mussels dressed w tangerine juice & zest
smoked mussel salad
light fragrant summer salad w smoked mussels dressed w tangerine juice & zest
IngredientsMakes: 467g (1)
85gsmoked mussels inc oil(recipe below)
100gbistro salad
3gtangerine zest
40gtangerine juice
15gspring onion
0.5gsalt flakes

variation on a baked potato, with added tomato - faster too!
baked mash potato & tomato
variation on a baked potato, with added tomato - faster too!
IngredientsMakes: 700g (4)
2 large baking potatoes - makes 4 halves . .
Cut potatoes in half and boil until soft. 10m?
Once boiled leave on counter until they stop steaming & they're cool enough to handle.
Scoop out the soft centre and mash adding the butter and salt and pepper.
Fill the empty potato skins and place on a baking tray.
Dot some tomatoes about including on top of the potatoes.
Bake 180C / 20m

How To Book / Attend

How To Book / Attend
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