Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Recipe: Sweet Potato Tortilla (Spanish Omelette)

The first time I remember making this was for some friends, and my new flatmates, my flat mates didn't know what to expect, and I didn't really have any idea what they liked so I decided to makes tapas. Tapas are a great option when you're unsure what folk like because they can pick and choose what they like. I'll never forget my flatmate's boyfriend's face when he tried this recipe. First he munched then fairly quickly a huge grin of approval appeared on his face, followed by nodding and hmmmm-ing!! Then he went in for seconds with the best "happy days" expression I have ever seen!! That's always very rewarding! This recipe has been on the menu for the last 5 years, and none has ever come back! 

So here it is for you to try . . . .  in both video format, and written!

In this picture we served it with Oyster Mushrooms Noissette and pea shoots!

ingredients (serves 6 - starter / tapa)
for the tortilla
400g sweet potato
400g onions (150-200g / med-large onion)
3-4 eggs
veg oil for frying

apparatus / equipment
deep fat fryer (optional)
frying pan
plate for turning

Add enough oil to a frying pan to shallow fry the vegetables.
Peel the sweet potato and cut it into slices the thickness of a chip.
Peel onions and cut them into 1cm dice, than add both to the oil and fry gently until the sweet potatoes are soft.
Remove with a slotted spoon and put on kitchen towel to remove the excess fat.
Crack all the eggs into a mixing bowl and beat until the yolks are mixed in.
Add the fried veggies to the eggs. Season with salt and a touch of pepper and mix thoroughly.
Remove the oil from the pan leaving a thin coat. 
Add the potato mixture to the pan and fry it gently until it's almost cooked all the way through, then turn it out onto the plate. 
Add a touch of oil to the pan and return the tortilla to the pan uncooked side down to finish it off.

NB If using a deep fat fryer, deep fry onions and potatoes for 6-8m @ 140C, or until the sweet potatoes are soft, then drain.

thinking ahead
The tortilla can be made in the afternoon and reheated under the grill (or a microwave) or eaten at room temperature!!

what could go wrong? (notes)
My tortilla is stuck to the pan, and it's fallen to bits when I try and get it out!!
Well, best advice is use a good non stick pan! 
Failing that make sure that the oil is hot when you put the mix into the pan.
Draw the tortilla mix from the edge to the centre bringing the cooed mix to the centre and replacing it with raw mix.
Jiggle the pan each time you do this to stop it sticking to the bottom - took me years to work that out!!

to serve
Turn out onto a clean plate and cut into even slices to the delight of the kids, the vegetarians, basically anyone who likes food!!
We serve it with a spicy fried tomato sauce and some aioli!

Some folk don't like onions! They can be left out to make a simple sweet potato tortilla (omelette)

Enjoy!! : )

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