When I put the menu together for the test run opening, there were a number of things I was bearing in mind, first and foremost was that the only working equipment in the Toynbee Hall kitchen was a 6 ring burner and an oven. The next thing was that it may be a total disaster!
I certainly don't advocate thinking like that, but you cant help those little moments, when you're exhausted - partly because you've been so busy you've forgotten to eat and partly because 16 hours in front of a computer or stove will do that to you - and then one of those sneaky doubts creep in, I certainly find it's when I'm most tired!
So it might be the only one I do so I'm going to put some things on the menu I'll possible never get another chance to cook with again, question is what!?
I remember sitting down in the restaurant at the hotel I was staying in in New York, and a friend of mine who'd stayed in the same hotel recommended I try the King Crab, he said it was the biggest crab he'd very seen! Well, I had my doubts, but I tried it anyway - I'd had a good day in the office and decided I could do with a reward : )
In typical American style, it was also the biggest crab I'd ever sean, I couldn't possibly ; ) eat a whole one!! Really quite beautiful to behold, and a delicate sweet tasting meat . . . hmmm!
As I reminisced, I thought, that's got to go on! Later . . fek it's expensive! Sod it, it's the first and possibly only run, I'm putting it on! Can't pic that up in the super market I can tell you . . .
Anyway needless to say I put my heart and soul into creating ferdiesfoodlab.
This is what the London Foodie thought of it. . . .

I don't know what to say, except thank you Luiz, and Toynbee Hall!