Saturday, 31 August 2024

recipe: courgette steaks w/ mandarin tomatoes

courgette steaks w/ mandarin tomatoes
large courgette cut into thick steaks seared & topped w/ homegrown black & yellow cherry tomatoes in a basil & mandarin dressing
IngredientsMakes: 548g (2)
300gcourgette steaks(recipe below)
247gmandarin tomatoes(recipe below)
Put the courgette steaks on first to cook in the background.
Make the dressing, and add the tomatoes.
Assemble on a warm serving plate & garnish!
Some of the basil plants were bolting so I pinched them out and used the flowers. . .

caramelised thick & juicy homegrown courgette rounds
courgette steaks
caramelised thick & juicy homegrown courgette rounds
IngredientsMakes: 300g (2)
30golive oil
1gblack pepper
I used a big ol' courgette here 6 x 1cm slices came to 400g!
Slice the courgette into thick 1cm+ slices. Dip in oil and place onto a dry pan on a high heat.
Do not crowd, one in place turn down to min and cook for 20mins turning 3 times.
Remove to a warm serving dish once golden brown.
Make a dressing while they cook! : )

homegrown black & yellow cherry tomatoes in a basil & mandarin sauce
mandarin tomatoes
homegrown black & yellow cherry tomatoes in a basil & mandarin sauce
IngredientsMakes: 247g
107gtomato mandarin & basil dressing(recipe below)
140gcherry tomatoes
Make the dressing.
Then slice the cherry tomatoes in halves & add them to it.
Serve w/ a spoon good for fish, salads, courgette steaks.

classic seasoned ripe tomato olive oil & basil w/ lime tangerine & honey
tomato mandarin & basil dressing
classic seasoned ripe tomato olive oil & basil w/ lime tangerine & honey
IngredientsMakes: 107g
30gripe tomato
20golive oil
15glime juice
20gtangerine juice
1gtangerine zest
15gset honey
Dice the ripe tomato season it and drizzle w/ olive oil, then crush it w/ a fork.
Chop the basil & add it along w/ the rest of the ingredients.
If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local for great locally produced veg using organic practices well worth signing up for!

Friday, 30 August 2024

recipe: low carb - cabbage noodle chicken broth w/ prawns

cabbage noodle & carrot ribbons w/ charred onion & pepper in chicken stock dressed w/ prawns, black cherry tomatoes & herbs
hd chicken broth w prawns
cabbage noodle & carrot ribbons w/ charred onion & pepper in chicken stock dressed w/ prawns, black cherry tomatoes & herbs
IngredientsMakes: 663g (1)
65gbell pepper
40gred onion
1golive oil
70gsweetheart cabbage
55gblack cherry tomatoes
70gcooked prawns
330gchicken stock
7gfish sauce
15glime juice
2gcelery leaf
Peel the onion & deseed the pepper.
Sear the bell pepper & red onion on a low heat to semi char while prepping everything else.
Shred & steam the sweetheart cabbage.
Peel the carrot & then peel to ribbons.
Place the stock & all but prawns, tomatoes & garnishes into microwavable jug,
and uW 2m / 800W
Pour into a warm soup bowl then dress w/ tomatoes, prawns, the chilli & herbs. Serve immidiately.
If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local for great locally produced veg using organic practices well worth signing up for!

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

recipe: honey & sage pumpkin

sauteed baby pumpkin w/ honey & sage & a touch of lime
honey & sage pumpkin
sauteed baby pumpkin w/ honey & sage & a touch of lime
IngredientsMakes: 246g (2)
285gjack be little pumpkin
30grunny honey
10glime juice
To be honest these came from a packet of seeds that were labelled patty pan!
If anyone knows what these are exaclty please leave a note in the comments!
Remove the stalk and any rough bits from the blossom end. Remove the seeds if necessary.
Slice the pumpkin into thin wedges.
Melt the butter in a pan and cook the wedges until starting to brown, 3-4mins each side.
Remove to warm serving dish.
Do it in two batches if necessary so as not to crowd the pan.
Melt another knob of butter in the pan & add the chopped sage cooking until aromatic ~1min
Add the honey & once melted & the sage mixed in return the pumpkin & toss to coat it.
Add enough lime juice to lift the heavy notes but no so much it tastes really limey!!
Return to warm serving dish & serve immediately.
If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local for great locally produced veg using organic practices well worth signing up for!

Monday, 19 August 2024

recipe: caprese w/ basil & tangerine dressing

sliced tomatoes, mozzarella & basil w/ basil & tangerine dressing
caprese w basil & tangerine dressing
sliced tomatoes, mozzarella & basil w/ basil & tangerine dressing
IngredientsMakes: 400g (2)
360gnaked caprese salad(recipe below)
40gbasil & tangerine dressing(recipe below)

undressed caprese salad - sliced tomatoes, mozzarella & basil
naked caprese salad
undressed caprese salad - sliced tomatoes, mozzarella & basil
IngredientsMakes: 360g (2)
2gbasil leaves
0.5gblack pepper
Use 3 large tomatoes. Top & tail them.
Cut two of them into 5 thick slices, cut the third into 6 slices.
Gives you enough for outer in of 10, inner ring to 5 and a centre slice! : )
Season with a little salt & peper.
Thinly slice the mozzarella and place on top, then add a few basil leaves.
Then dress how ever you like - traditionally extra virgin olive oil & balsamic vinegar.

basil & tangerine dressing
basil & tangerine dressing
IngredientsMakes: 174g
50glime juice
49gtangerine juice
1gtangerine zest
40gset honey
20golive oil
Melt the honey in a microwave uW / 800W / 30s.
Chop the basil up & mix all the ingredients in w/ the honey.
This is one of my favourite dressings & really brings this dish to life!
Really good w/ fish, prawns & squid too amongst other things.
If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local for great locally produced veg using organic practices well worth signing up for!

How To Book / Attend

How To Book / Attend
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More Techniques, Basics and Corker Recipes

More Techniques, Basics and Corker Recipes
If there's something you've tried at ferdiesfoodlab or a technique you want to know about drop us a line at and I'll put up a post about it!!