Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Ski Series Recipe: Chorizo Crisps w/ Balsamic & Pomegranate Dressing served w/ Oyster Mushroom Noisette

by Simon Fernandez of ferdiesfoodlab

I threw this one together one evening when I realised I'd missed the starter section on my shopping list that afternoon, luckily we were in week 3 and by now I had built up a bit of a larder, had a few stock items, and some backup courses!

Second Attempt - A touch less on the chorizo and next time perfect!

ingredients (serves 4 as a starter)
for the chorizo crisps
200g chorizo (sliced)
50ml white wine
dash of grenadine
1/2 pomegranate (deseeded)
balsamic vinegar (garnish)
cress shoots (garnish)

for the oyster mushrooms
400g oyster mushrooms
150ml Noilly Prat (dry white vermouth or, failing that, white wine)
50g unsalted butter
extra virgin olive oil
parsley to garnish

2 heavy baking trays
2 baking sheets

oyster mushrooms
In a large frying pan make the oyster mushrooms noisette as in this post.
chorizo crisps
Make the chorizo crisps the same way as crispy chicken skins [post, and link to come!] just don't boil them, and check them after 15mins!
Mix the pomegranate seeds and the grenadine with a dash of extra virgin olive oil and season with Maldon salt, and a touch of ground black pepper.
Chop a little - 4 or 5 slices - of chorizo into small pieces, and fry in a small frying pan, letting the flavour and the fat seep out. Deglaze with 50ml of white wine and pass through a sieve. Put to one side - it should be a relatively thick and tasty jus : )

Original - Chorizo is perfect, just a little small for crisps!! Use a bigger sausage!

to serve
Lay the chorizo out in a strip, curved if you like. Spoon the pomegranate mix over the chorizo, place the mushrooms next to it and garnish with cress shoots. Serve immediately!

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