Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Basics - Recipe: Liquorice Powder (Baked Liquorice Root)

by Simon Fernandez of ferdiesfoodlab

This is an interesting ingredient I started experimenting with for a Jamie Oliver fundraiser last March, I think it pairs fabulously with uncooked tomato, so I dust steak with it and serve it with a white tomato emulsion giving a fantastic mouthful of flavours. I’ll add links to the Jamie thing and the emulsion as I put them up, if you’d like to know about one of them in particular just pop a comment on the end of this post! Anyhoo, a number of people have been asking about where I get the liquorice powder. Short answer is, I make it! Here’s how . . .

Liquorice in raw format!

Liquorice sliced.



ingredients (makes ~80g)
for the liquorice powder
100g liquorice root 

apparatus / equipment
mortar and pestle
spice mill
super fine sieve

After baking - relatively uniform dark brown.


Lay liquorice  out  on  baking tray and bake @ G1/ 140C / 275F for 12hrs or until the liquorice is a dark brown throughout.

Pre-bake: Light in colour  After baking: Uniform dark brown.

If your liquorice is in sticks - usually is - probably a good idea
to break it up a little before introducing it to the spice mill.

Break the liquorice into pieces small enough to put in the spice mill using mortar and pestle.
Mill until a fine powder is achieved, this with contain small splinters that need to be sieved out, and put aside.
Sieve using a superfine sieve, and store in an airtight container.
Product: Liquorice Powder
I usually sieve it onto a piece of paper with a fold along the middle - makes it a lot easier to get into the tub!

Leftover "splinters" - back to the spice mill for you guys!

Take all the splinters (15-20g) and run them through the mill, sieve and add to rest of the powder.
Store in an airtight container.

thinking ahead
Keep in an airtight container. Will keep for more than 3 months.

100g liquorice yields 85g toasted liquorice
85g toasted liquorice yields 83g powder


  1. Very well directed to prepare powder from root. Won't the heating spoil the chemical ingredients?

  2. Thanks, the heating if anything enhances the flavour! It would be impossible to grind to a powder without baking it first!

  3. Hi Sea Cj, I didn't peal it. I did use an ultra fine sieve after grinding it to a fine powder to remove and 'barky' bits.


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