Saturday, 21 September 2024

recipe: figgy bakewell

caramelised figs in a blackberry & pear bakewell tart w/ sweet crunchy pastry
figgy bakewell
caramelised figs in a blackberry & pear bakewell tart w/ sweet crunchy pastry
IngredientsMakes: 900g (10)
360gcrunchy sweet short pastry(recipe below)
340galmond mix(recipe below)
165gblackberry conserve
10glemon juice
10gtangerine juice
Tart tin - 23cm / 280g
Blind bake 160C/12m, remove beads and finish base 160C/7-10m.
Bake 150C/45m
Make pastry & leave to cool in the fridge for 30mins.
Roll and line the tart tin w/ pastry, then double line w/ grease proof paper & baking beads of your choice.
Blind bake 160C/12m, remove beads and finish base 160C/7-10m.
While it bakes caramelise the figs:
Slice the figs into thirds, dip one size in citrus juice and then in sugar and place sugar side down in a hot nonstick pan.
Let the figs bubble until then sugar has lost it's grain and just started to caramelise, then remove them placing them sugar side up on a cutting board until needed. Remove the pastry base from the oven when ready.
Line the bottom of the tart w/ jam or conserve, then make the almond mix and pour it on top.
Place the figs on top sugar side up. I put 3 in the middle and nine around the outside - however you fancy!
Bake @ 150C / 45m

Sweet crunchy pastry for use with desserts
crunchy sweet short pastry
Sweet crunchy pastry for use with desserts
IngredientsMakes: 1050g
120gcaster sugar
125ggram flour
225gbread flour
30gflaked almonds
100gegg whites
Blind bake 170C / 20m + 10m to finish w/o baking beans.

tart filling
almond mix
tart filling
IngredientsMakes: 340g
110gground almonds
5galmond essence
5gvanilla essence
Beat the eggs & sugar until creamy & light, then whisk in the grounds almonds.
Use asap.
If you are in Hereford check out Growing Local for great locally produced veg using organic practices well worth signing up for!

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