Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Meat Club (Secret Meat Business)

At the last sitting of the Guild of Beefsteak, also known as Meat Club our table was graced with forerib of Dexter

Beautifully marbled and aged for the best flavour . . . . .  stunning.

Seared before being roasted low and slow for 7hours until medium rare . . . truly amazing!

Hendrix also pitched in with amazing Beeftini . . . very smooth . . . lovely way to start the evening.

As the night drew in . . . 

A low glow set about the banquet hall and a palpable sense of expectation . . .

and Meat Club comensed . . . oh yes!

Well that's what I hear . . . 

45 day aged forerib (amongst other things) has been acquired for the next Meat Club.

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