Friday, 18 May 2012

Ski series - Recipe: Crispy Chicken Skins, garnished w/ Nasturtiums and Cress Shoots

This tasty little number is something that one of the chefs I was living with in Verbier rattled off at me while we were sat on the balcony of our digs. In fairness I changed it a little to make it look nicer : )

amuse bouche - crispy chicken skins with cress shoots

Sounded nice so I gave it a try. Works for cured meats and sausages, pancetta, Parma ham, bacon, chorizo, pave etc. A honey coating works well with the bacons, and depending on what you're serving, they make a really tasty garnish or amuse bouche. Adjust the cooking time and temperature if you have thicker slice - longer and lower!

balcony view from our digs in verbier

for the crispy chicken skins (serves 4 as an amuse)
skin of 1 chicken
1/2 thumb of ginger
1tbsp cajun seasoning (optional)
1tbsp corn flour
1tbsp honey
squeeze of lime juice
dash of fish sauce

2 heavy baking trays that fit into each other
2 sheets baking parchment

crispy chicken skins (200C / 20mins)
Trim off any really large bits of fat, then boil the skin for 10mins with the sliced ginger until the skin is cooked.
Pre-heat oven to 200C
Line the first tray with a baking sheet. Spray - for more even coat - with oil.
Cut the skins in to manageable pieces. Large as you like!
Mix cajun seasoning, corn flour then add the skins until all the coating is stuck to them.
Lay out the skins flat on the baking sheet and cover with another baking sheet, then place the second baking tray on top, press everything down flat and place in the oven top shelf for 20mins.

If you don't have heavy baking trays, fill the top one with blind bake ceramics to weigh it down.

Mix the honey, lime and fish sauce thoroughly for the dressing.
Check the skins after 20 mins, they should be golden and crispy, if not, give them another 5mins!
Once ready pat down with kitchen towel, dress immediately then serve.

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